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How do I sign-up for Data Exchange? 

Go to and sign up with your email address, select your industry vertical and create a password. You will receive an activation email in your mailbox, follow the link, complete your details, and confirm Terms and Conditions.

 Once an Admin Collector has invited you, you will receive an invitation email.
To complete your registration and activate your account, you will need to:
  1. Click on ‘Get Started’; you will be sent to the Data Exchange [Ezidox] website
  2. Choose a password and click on register
  3. Accept Data Exchange [Ezidox] T&Cs
  4. Complete your personal details and click on the Save button
Your user has now been activated and you are now in Data Exchange [Ezidox].   The first screen you will see is the dashboard. Before you start using the Data Exchange [Ezidox] service with your Customers,’ but first it is important to configure your notifications in the Profile section.

How do I access Data Exchange on a day-to-day basis?

Anytime you want to access Data Exchange [Ezidox], you can login or via your Custom URL if this has been configured. Contact our support, to activate a Custom URL and set-up the full white-label experience for your customers/team.

How can I build out my Profile? 

In the top right of the screen, click on your name and select My Profile. From ‘Profile’ tab you will be able to:
  • Upload your Profile picture that will be displayed to the Customers
  • Change your details
  • Input a landline number, which will be shown to your Customers instead of the mobile phone.
  • Change your password
From ‘Social Networks tab, you will be able to link your Google account with Data Exchange [Ezidox]. This way you will be able to login to Data Exchange [Ezidox] using ‘Sign in with Google’ option.
From Settings section, you will be able to configure your own notification settings, change your date format, time zone and country and enable 2 factor authentication.

Collectors will receive the following notifications:

  • Daily update for all Document Requests managed, including:
    • documents uploaded
    • comments/notes received
  • Receive an email notification when a document is uploaded
  • Receive an email when a new chat message is added to Requests that you are watching.
  • Receive email when a Note is added to Requests that you are watching?
  • Receive email when a new Request is shared with you?
  • Choose to watch a Document Request when is shared with you
You will also be able to select the Date Format (dd/mm/yyyy; mm/dd//yyyy), time zone (E.g. +10 AEST) and the telephone prefix for the Document Requests you are creating.
Additional security for Customers and Collectors is achieved by enabling 2FA (2 Factor Authentication).  2 Factor Authentication is currently achieved as an SMS which is sent to users to confirm their identity.

The SMS contains a 5-digit numeric code that users need to enter to be able to login.

  • 2 Factor Authentication via SMS can be enabled:
    • Collectors:
      • at Company level: all the Collectors associated to the company shall enter 2FA to be able to login
      • at User level: Collectors can opt-in for 2FA
    • Customers:
      • at Company level: all the Customers shall enter 2FA to be able to access applications belonging to a company
      • at User level: Collectors can opt-in for 2FA

How can I create a Document Request?

By clicking on the “Start!” button in your Personal Dashboard you can start the document collection process for your Customers.
From the top right of the screen, you will be able to select the Owner of the Document Request. By default, your user will be selected, but by changing this to a different user, the request will be sent as if the user you selected has sent it!

What is the Primary Customer in a Document Request?

The first section is about your Primary Customer, you will be able to choose the Customer Type. The values change depending on the vertical you have chosen when you first registered, but there are two types, individuals, and Entity types. If an entity type is selected (i.e.: Company), the ABN and Entity Name will appear, useful if you are collecting documents from a Company!
First Name, Surname, Email address and mobile number are mandatory fields by default, that’s because Data Exchange [Ezidox] will send customized emails and SMS using the information you have provided. It is possible to set the mobile number as optional, but this configuration would need to be set in the backend.

Two fields are worth your attention:  Reference: It is a free text field.

  • Reference: It is a free text field. When you create a new Document Request
  • Docs Due Date: it specifies when the document should be provided by the Customer. This field is also used to drive the automatic Customer reminders.

How do I select the documents I need to collect?

Next step is to select the documents you need to Collect.  There are two options here, select Individual Documents; or choose one of the pre-created Templates (if you have not created one yet, you can select the sample ’Home Loan Application’ we have set up for you!)
If Individual Documents is selected, the list of documents available to collect will be displayed. You simply need to search for the documents you need and check the boxes. If there is a document you need to request that is not on the list, you can create a new one from that screen!
If one of the Templates is selected a list of standard groups and documents will load in the screen. From here, you will be able to configure the documents on the go:
Click 1  to create an additional Group in the template.
Click 2  checkbox to include or exclude complete groups
Click 3  to add additional documents to a specific group, which can be chosen from the list.
If you always add the same document[s] for every Customer you can start thinking of directly saving this set of documents with the “Save as new template” button, so next time you will find it ready to go.

How do I add ‘Attachments’ to send to the client? 

If you want to send documents to your Customer, you can use the “Attachments” section. For example, say that you want to send a “Privacy Policy”. If it is not already in the Data Exchange [Ezidox] library, it is time to add it. Click on the “Add Attachment” button and upload the document to send
The documents included will be sent to the Customer in the invitation email and will be also accessible via the website portal and mobile app, in the Document Request dashboard. Documents can be sent also after the Document Request has been created.

How do I add additional Applicants to the Document Request? 

Once the main Customer is created you can add other applicants who will participate to the current Document Request (e.g. In a joint application – Husband and Wife relationship; Accountant) toggling the second section of the page ‘Do you need to collect documents from anyone else?’. This will expand the section giving you the option to Create an additional Customer. The process is like the Primary Customer, but there are a few differences:

  • Can Customer see all documents requested to Additional Parties? When the selection is switched off, the primary Customer will see only their own document list
  • What is the role of this Additional Party? If you select ‘Sole Trader’, ‘Company’, ‘Trust’ or ‘Partnership’ the ABN and company details fields will need to be filled out.
  • Do you want to notify this Additional Party of this Document Request? When you toggle this off, then the document[s] will be uploaded by you or the primary Customer only
  • Can this Additional Party see all documents? If you decide to turn this setting to off, the Additional Customer will ONLY see the documents are being requested to them. They will not be able to see the documents requested from the Primary Customer

How can I share the Document Request internally? 

If you have configured more than one user in Data Exchange [Ezidox], you may also decide to share the Document Request with a colleague. Simply select YES under ‘Do you want to share this Document Request with anyone from your organisation?’ and search/select your colleague.

How can I add a custom message to Customers?

This section allows you to include a custom welcome message to your Customers in the invitation email.

How can I adjust the Customer notifications?

  • Frequency of recurring notifications [days]: you decide how often your Customer is notified
  • Send reminder 3 days before due date:  if you have set a Due Date, you can remind your Customer three days before the due date
  • Send reminder on due date: you can remind your Customer also on the final day
  • Notify Customer when 100% documents have been uploaded
  • Send daily digest email: If there have been any changes on the Document Request, an email to the Collector and Customer will be sent notifying those interactions.

How can I save the Document Request as a ‘Draft’?

If you wish to continue and send the request, click on ‘Next’, this will take you to the Summary screen.
The Summary screen recaps the Customer’s data and the items you have requested and wish to send. You can even expand each of them for more details.
Once everything is ready you can click on the  Submit  button and the Document Request will be created!
Your Customer will be notified with an email and an SMS containing a link to access the Document Request.
Save as draft
If you would like to come back to the Document Request and make changes before sending, click on ‘save draft’. A draft of the request will be saved in your portal and visible to you on the dashboard.  Once you are done, click on the “Next” button and you will enter the Summary screen